Friday 1 June 2012


I'm gonna write this post now as an attempt to organise myself and my weekly features!

Monday or Tuesday, depending on release date, I'll compile a list of weekly releases.

Sometime in the first half of the week, I'll put a few reviews up of my favourite singles of that week.

Album reviews will be uploaded in the second half of the week to allow for digestion time, and both single and album reviews will be listed (separately) on the Rapid Reviews page.

The New Waves will be updated whenever I hear/see a band or artist worth posting about.

The Life Logs will probably be the most regular, just if something worthwhile occurs in my existance or if I feel the need to have a whinge ;)

Now, time for features that I've yet to start!:-

  1. Wonder Woman of the Week
This will be a weekly feature where I choose a woman who inspires me (or has been heavily featured for whatever reason in that week) and discuss them and say what exactly makes them so great! 

    2.  Fashion Files

This was inspired by some other bloggers, whom take post about their daily outfits, fashion and beauty products. As much as I like clothes and things, I don't think I'm enough of an interesting dresser to warrant photos everyday. Same goes for beauty products, I just stick to what I know. However occasionally I may post on this sort of thing, especially if my outfit has been inspired in some way (eg. yesterday I felt like Kathleen Hanna, today more a pre-Electra Heart Marina and the Diamonds) or if it's for some special purpose.

    3.  DIY Ditties

Regarding the DIY aspect, that's self explanitory - tutorials for when I feel the need to share my creativity. This will most likely increase once our little customisation franchise gets up and running.

And I think that's it! Hopefully, this won't get too hectic (although I can see it getting that way)!

Go forth! LLAP!

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